During Bill Zoller’s input to the Planning Commission on proposed 2050 changes (see the video below), he details all of the public involvement included in the creation of Sarasota 2050. He reminds the Planning Commissioners how Sarasota County invested 2 million dollars in hiring Glatting Jackson to consult and advise the County on the creation of Sarasota 2050.
Now, Zoller notes, Sarasota 2050 is being revised as the result of numerous meeting with a small group of developers – six to be exact: Neal Communties, Schroeder Manatee Ranch, Palmer Ranch, John Cannon Homes, Hi Hat Ranch and Rod Krebs. Here is list of the meetings County staff held with private sector developers to open Sarasota 2050. County staff did not hold meetings with any other stakeholders – most notably NO public advocates – to evaluate whether or not to change 2050.
- September 26, 2012 – meeting between Administrative staff, Schroeder – Manatee Ranch and Neal Communities
- October 12, 2012- meeting on Settlement Areas
Representatives of Neal Communities – Bill Waddell (Kimley Horn), Kelly Klepper (Kimley Horn)
- October 12, 2012- meeting on Village Open Space RMA
Representatives of Schroeder-Manatee Ranch – Todd Pokrywa, Jim Paulmann (WilsonMiller) - November 26, 2012 – meeting on Hamlets Rod Krebs
- November 29, 2012 – meeting on Hamlets
Representatives of Neal Communities: Kelley Klepper (Kimley Horn), Bruz Noel (Kimley Horn) and Bill Waddell (Kimley Horn) - December 3, 2012 – meeting on Settlement Areas and Hamlets John Cannon, Mike Finley
- December 10, 2012 – meeting on Village Open Space RMA Hi Hat Ranch, Jim Turner
- December 18, 2012; meeting on Village Open Space RMA
Representatives of Palmer Ranch: Justin Powell and Jim Paulmann(WilsonMiller) - January 4, 2013; meeting on finalized list of issues Group meeting with private sector developers
- January 11, 2013; meeting on finalized list of issues Group meeting with private sector developers
Mr. Zoller says if the 2050 changes go through, there will be a few happy people and a huge community of unhappy people who feel betrayed. Originally all the different stakeholders struck a compromise with the 2050 plan. Now one particular and influential group, comprised of 6 developers, wants to renege. Those with opposing views weren’t included in meetings – had no seat at the table – until well after the decision to make changes requested by those 6 developers was made. As the list indicates, Schroeder Manatee Ranch and Neal Communities were most involved in the meetings which resulted in the 2050 plan being opened to developer-requested changes. And as Mr. Zoller notes, meetings which have included the public have essentially been meaningless. The real 2050 meetings occurred between September 26, 2012 and January 11, 2013 – and the public had no clue what was happening.
Bill Zoller is right. This 2050 process is a travesty.
My note: The gentlemen representing Neal Communities during the listed meetings with County staff are employed by Kimley Horn. As I commented to Mr. Maio during the Tiger Bay District 4 County Commission debate, his prior employment with Kimley Horn has many concerned about his ability to impartially conduct the public’s business regarding land use issues. Kimley Horn has represented Neal Communities during a process that has completely snubbed meaningful public input. Why would Mr. Maio change this practice? He has not indicated any intention to do differently. In this regard, characterizing him as the “developers candidate” is fair.
Good job, shared with Inside Venice Florida readers.
Thanks Ed!