Today 446 people in Sarasota County have signed the petition telling Christine Robinson it is unethical to work as a County Commissioner and as Executive Director of a local lobbying organization, the Argus Foundation.
The Argus Foundation is an exclusive, powerful local business lobbying organization. Reports indicate that Argus members must pay $5000 to join. Argus has lobbied local government on behalf of its members on numerous issues, including impact fees, land use and zoning, airport governance, elected mayor, strong City manager, Newtown and downtown redevelopment and more. Hiring a County Commissioner to head up Argus is the function equivalent of insider trading between local government and business.
Please join your neighbors and take a stand for ethics in Sarasota County. You can do two things to help put a stop to this abuse of power. 1. Sign the petition today. 2. Join your neighbors and attend the Integrity 2016 rally on April 1st.
Robinson/Argus petition: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/robinsons-conflict-of-interest-step-down-from
Integrity 2016 Rally: Wednesday, April 1st, 1660 Ringling Blvd. (downtown Sarasota) 12:45 pm
More blog posts on Argus and Commissioner Robinson (click on titles):
Sarasota is beautiful because it is diverse/east of I75 is old Fla/why do you have to ruin it. It is just about money to you shame on you.I have lived in Sarasota for 42 years downtown is destroyed don’t destroy our pasture land and wild birds/I see Sandhill cranes and their babies smashed on the road, because of your greed and disregard for wildlife.You are a wildlife hater.