LIDO PAVILION UPDATE Your help is needed
November 5th 6 pm City Hall, 1565 1rst St, Sarasota, FL
Attend & wear RED to support a January 14th City Commission hearing date
on Lido Pavilion
Thank you to all who came out to Save Lido Pavilion at the September 12 Planning Board Hearing. The Planning Board recommended denial of the proposed changes to Lido Pavilion. The vote was 4-1 for denial of the proposal. Let’s keep the momentum going. We need the City Commission to schedule the final hearing to maximize public participation. Lido Pavilion belongs to the public – overdevelopment will reduce beach access for the public. Attend the November 5th Commission meeting at City Hall. Public Input begins shortly after 6 pm – Citizens get 3 minutes to give input
Tell the Commissioners you want a hearing date which maximizes public participation – January 14th – not a December 3rd or 4th hearing when many residents aren’t here. The applicants are lobbying for a December hearing, and City Staff is recommending a December 4th hearing. Commissioners will discuss and choose the date during Agenda Item XIV (14) toward the end of the evening session under New Business.
If there were any doubt that the approval of proposed redevelopment plans for Lido Pavilion will result in a monster beachside Daiquiri Deck, a recent email campaign puts the question to rest. Despite dismissive reassurances from select City staff (“It’s not a Daiquiri Deck” – served with an exasperated tone and eye roll), Lido Redevelopment Partners is using the Daiquiri Deck email list and email service to serve up a huge portion of propaganda.
The City of Sarasota’s Planning Board spoke loud and clear on September 12, voting 4-1 in favor of denying the requested land use changes. Approval would permit the applicants – Mr. Syprett and Mr. Meshad – to transform family friendly Lido Pavilion into a Ft. Lauderdale-esque destination beach bar & restaurant. Pass the oyster shooters! If Lido residents and beachgoers wanted a Daytona destination, we’d be living and vacationing over there. Misleading the public isn’t a good look for these local developers who are attempting to trade on their Sarasota roots as a means of calming public outcry against their terrible plan.
First, everyone knows Lido Pavilion needs an update. Everyone wants Lido Pavilion to get an update. The applicants’ PR claims to the contrary are false.
The City of Sarasota has $1.25 million dollars designated for Lido Pavilion improvements. This money was set aside due to a 2007 referendum. That $1.25 million dollars may not be used for any other purpose. City staff leadership falsely stated in one Lido Pavilion hearing (last year’s lease hearing) that the money can be used for other things.
The City of Sarasota is a community with considerable wealth. With the $1.25 million dollars allocated, plus philanthropy, updating Lido Pavilion does not require surrendering the pavilion to these businessmen whose plans will bring incompatible uses and destroy the neighborhood character of Lido Key. The beggar mentality being shopped by Lido Pavilion Redevelopment Partners via their Daiquiri Deck emails is self-serving and false.
Operating within FEMA limits on Lido Pavilion updates (operating within the law) means there is enough money in City coffers already to update Lido Pavilion. Overdeveloping Lido Pavilion – as the applicants propose – violates FEMA standards and puts City residents flood insurance at risk for higher premiums and possible suspension from the National Flood Insurance Program. A city which approves proposals that flout FEMA standards isn’t a good insurance risk.
The existence of a lease for Lido Pavilion does not obligate the City Commission to approve land use changes (the major conditional use and site plan). They are entirely separate issues. It is unfortunate that the applicants were able to sell this nonsense to one local newspaper which has bought this fake argument hook, line and sinker. State law, as well as the referenced lease, both state that a signed lease cannot require the City to approve contingent land use changes. This is another self-serving and false claim by the applicants.
Why the hard ball tactics? With potential annual profits in the millions (one reliable industry source estimates profits during the third year of business would be over $7 million dollars) it makes sense that the applicants would fight hard for this project. However, while they would gain millions, Lido beach-goers and residents will be collectively poorer. With a capacity of 500 or more customers (more during special events like weddings) and 362 planned public parking spots, beach-goer parking access will be severely choked. With a marketing budget of $250,000 per year, claims by Mr.Meshad and Mr. Syprett that they only intend to serve patrons who currently patronize Lido Pavilion ring hollow. The applicants clearly intend to grow the business, which will push out those who just want to go to the beach.
Please plan to attend the November 5th City Commission meeting. Wear RED and give public input at the beginning of the meeting (6 pm) advocating for a January 14 hearing date on Lido Pavilion, not a December date which won’t work for many residents. Stick around for the City Commission discussion toward the end of the meeting – Agenda Item XIV (14) – New Business.
Thanks for your support. Let’s keep Lido Pavilion a real park for the public.
See you at City Hall on November 5th at 6 pm!
Cathy Antunes
on behalf of your neighbors working to Save Lido Pavilion
Ask your neighbors to sign the petition! Read up on the fight to Save Lido Pavilion!
The Petition: https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/save-lido-pavilion
Explains how the proposed site plan and major conditional use (MCU) are incompatible with the character of Lido Key, will damage beach access for residents and visitors and ruin a Sarasota gem.
A sampling of the press articles regarding the fight to Save Lido Pavilion:
Carrie Siedman: The Fight Over Lido Beach and The City’s Soul
Jeff LaHurd: The Duel Over Lido Pavilion
Steve Reid: Lido Pavilion Plan and the Sarasota Commission Reek Worse Than Red Tide
Planning Board Recommends Denial (4-1 Vote) of Lido Pavilion Redevelopment Plans:
More on the Fight the Save Lido Pavilion: