Today’s post is a 23 minute youtube video. The CONA report gives background on the 2050 plan and proposed changes.
How Sarasota County grows will impact our economic future for decades: the vitality of our cities and neighborhoods is at stake, the kind of economy we create will be impacted. Please take a look. The County’s first public hearing on 2050 is this Wednesday, November 20th. It is agenda item 12, the second agenda item during their afternoon session, which begins at 1:30pm. The Commission needs to hear from you.
Note: The video may load in the middle. Just take your cursor and move the red progress bar at the bottom of the video to the left, the beginning, give it a bit of time and it will play.
“When one does the math on those (infrastructure) costs against the tax revenues we were seeing in Sarasota County, it took a suburban multifamily housing development 42 years to pay off its infrastructure, while a mixed-use downtown tower (calculated for its residential portions only) was paying off its infrastructure costs in 3 years.”
Joseph Mincozzi, Public Interest Projects
author Sarasota/Asheville Tax Yield Study
The County is failing to calculate return on taxpayer investments. Forty two years to pay off infrastructure is longer than the life of the infrastructure.
We need the right mix of development to be an economically thriving community, and redevelopment and infill must come FIRST, where we already have existing infrastructure.